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Nature's Cloak

Protect yourself, naturally! 

Instead of using a repellent that includes toxic ingredients, this all-natural essential oil formula feels and smells great and is safe to use on the whole family. Reduce the risk of mosquito and tick bites, and possible infection by applying Nature’s Cloak, clinically proven to be effective.They may hover, but they won’t land!

  • DEET and Pyrethrin free
  • kid & pet friendly
  • non-greasy
  • travel size

5 active ingredients

Recognized to be as effective as DEET by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), lemon eucalyptus oil is often included in many natural insect repellents. Our Nature’s Cloak not only uses this ingredient in its formula, but also includes four other active essential oils, making it more powerful and effective against both mosquitos  and  ticks. 

rainforest and jungle tested

“I was five hours deep in the rainforest, traversing mass underbrush, searching for the perfect tree-house site. Usually I’m a food bank for bugs! Wearing very little clothing or protective gear, I did not get a single bite all day. I really like the smell, too!”

- Roderick Romero, international tree-house architect

"I am not one to review anything but when I started using their insect repellent I was impressed to the point that I had to share. I recently had to give up hiking after being infected twice with Lyme. I stuck to suburban tail heads etc., any place to avoid the ticks. Then I saw this ad for insect rep and I tried it. WOW, it is amazing not one bug not even flies are bothering me so I used it on the dog as well and just as good. It feels great to get back into the woods again and your product has allowed me to do so. You have a customer for life."

- Ellen Oakley 

“Earlier in the year (...) I kind of developed an allergic reaction to products with DEET in them. It wasn’t pleasant. (...) As soon as they heard about my plight, [Turtle Moon] rushed me a four-pack of their product. It’s been working wonderfully. There’s a whole list of all-natural ingredients here and it says it’s safe for the dog! (...)A product that works this good usually doesn’t stay a secret for long.”

- Terry Craig, the Disabled Hiker  (watch full review here)

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